Hey everyone and sorry...

Tuesday, 13 October 2009


Firstly, an apology. I haven't done a post in a very long time. That was very, very bad of me. I'm going to use the enormous volume of work as an excuse, please forgive. From now on, weekly posts! Let's see how long that lasts!!!! But a big thanks to R who encouraged me to turn off FB and come onto this as he wanted to see how I was getting on. Thank you!!!!!

So, I've been here now for 3 weeks and 1 day! Wow. In some ways it's awesome - I'm having a great time, I've made loads of new friends, I'm getting involved with all this stuff (which is, in itself, a stupid stupid thing because I'm slipping back into the mistakes of old!). But it doesn't feel like I live here because I've already seen mum twice (for weddings. At first I was really annoyed at having to go back home so soon but I'm so glad I did because I'm missing my family so much!) so in a way it feels like I'm on a school trip. But I'm not going home now unitl Halloween weekend, so hopefully the sense of independance will kick in a little more. Although, I have to admit, the independanceness is rising and growing - I now have a whole new respect for mum and her ability to juggle work, shopping, cooking, washing (£2.20 a load - daylight robbery!!!!)...

Sorry, this is a little disjointed. It's just that so much has happened and I don't know where I should start or what I should say. Also I have to further monitor what I write in order to keep my identity secret because I have met one of you. ooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh. I'm not going to tell you who, or where, only that we have spoken. Part of me hopes this causes you anguish - don't know why I think that, I'm laughing as I write this because a desire to impart anguish on anyone is not really a normal pass time for me! Anguish is the wrong word, more it makes your brains strain a little as you try to deduce who I could be.

The work load is immense, as I'm sure you'll all agree. And I bet that's true for whatever medical school you're at! But I'm enjoying it, which is find odd because I'm not missing English Lit as much as I thought you would. However I do have a friend who's studying Eng Lit and is reading loooadds which causes me brief moments of a type of jealously that isn't as strong as the jealousy I felt before. I take this as a good sign! My desire to read more saw me getting a train to the nearest library that stocks fiction books, then lugging six huge tomes back with me in the heat that has, for some unexplicable reason, infested our land! No matter, they'll last me till November which is creeping slowly forward coupled with the black hole that is our first real test!

I think I'm going to leave it there. I'm so out of practise at blogging that what I've written sounds really convuluted. My head hurts just reading is (but that may be because I'm not getting enough sleep hehe) so I wonder how your head is going to feel once you've read this!!!! Speak to you next week, although probably not Tuesday as Tuesday is a bad day next week. Don't worry, give it a month or two and you'll be getting regular updates, same day, same time every week. Or not!