And, oh great, I’ve turned into a lecturer. Does anyone else think those slides at the beginning and end of lectures are pointless – the one’s where they explain what they’re going to talk about, and then what they’ve just said. I know that repeating things are meant to help you learn but seriously, really? Just start already. I don’t want to be here and I want to go home. Everyone else feels the same way. Please, oh please, just get to the interesting bit.
Talking about ways of learning I submitted an essay last week on how I learn. I can’t quite decide if I think it was pointless or not. On one hand it made me sit down and actually physically think about my learning style and, to be honest, doing the VARK questionnaire was fun, even if it didn’t tell me anything new. Although I am inclined to agree with it now after thinking it was stupid when it insisted that part of me likes to learn kinetically. The Anatomy Colouring Book is a gift from God. And my new skeleton, Gwendolyn agrees. Yes, I know it’s a boy, at least I think of it as a boy, but as my friend said – it’s a 45cm skeleton, it already has issues, what’s one more issue really going to do to it’s sanity? Although, it’s not a very good skeleton. The glenohumeral joint isn’t a ball and socket. It has a nail though it so it can’t rotate. The hand (which is all fused) hits the ribs when he/she tries to move. And it can’t pronate/supinate ):
Oh dear, I’ve just realised that Word doesn’t have a very good Medical dictionary. The little red lines are beginning to annoy me.
Normally our lecturers don’t say anything truly gem-like in nature although there were a few good one-liners this week. Don’t get your hopes up, they weren’t joke one-liners; they were just one sentence or so that made me smile/I thought sounded nice:
An apple for Newton, an orange for somebody else (He was referring to clip art of an orange that was meant to represent gravity so it was meant to be an apple...oh forget it)
Decrease the harshness of fecal material (ummm, it’s not yelling at you , is it?)
Back to me, I was just reading those back and they weren’t that great, where they? Oh well, I’m sure one day one of them will say something that will be quoted by med students for years to come :D
This is a slightly random post, sorry.
But the highlight of the week? The picture of the rectal prolapse. Unfortunately the lecture slides aren't up so I'll leave you with these instead. Suffice to say, this made everyone wake up.
And so to conclude...