It's Complicated...

Monday, 16 August 2010

So I realised that I didn't post the link to the new blog. Stupid me. Anyways, here you go:

See you soon :D

Goodbye...for now...

Sunday, 15 August 2010

Hi everyone!

Ok, so I thought a lot about what I’m going to do but in the end I decided that I’ve made the right decision.

I’m stopping the Diary of a Sometimes Despondent Medic Blog.

But, before you start yelling, I am starting another. Introducing “It’s Complicated”.

I know it seems silly that I’m stopping one blog just to start another but I have my reasons. Firstly, as much as I loved writing Diary of a SD Medic I think that, in a way, it got a little too personal. There were some posts that I really shouldn’t have posted, that concerned things that I should have just wrote in a diary, and then there were posts that were just rants. And although I’m pretty certain that It’s Complicated is going to have some rant filled posts too I wanted to move away from the deeply personal ones. Although I started Diary of a SD Medic as an anonymous outpost for all my inner ravings I realised that there are some things that you should just keep to yourself.

Secondly, the name. If I’m ever going to be happy I can’t go round called myself the Despondent Medic, even if I am only that Sometimes. But I am also oddly proud of that first blog so I didn’t just want to change the name. Hence, It’s Complicated.

Thirdly, following on from not wanting to change the nature of this blog, I wanted to tell you what uni I’m at. It’ll be so much easier to write about my life at medical school if I don’t have to avoid things like module titles and stuff. If you want to find out what uni I’m at you’re going to have to follow It’s Complicated :D

I’ve had so much fun writing Diary of a SD Medic, and I’m really looking forward to writing It’s Complicated. It’s pretty much going to be exactly the same as this blog but without the deeply personal, and slightly disturbing, rants and maybe with a little bit more focus on the medicine side of things. Thank you so much for reading and commenting – it made me feel loved. An especially big thanks to Humaira and Emad for staying loyal even when you realised how crazy I was.

Please follow It’s Complicated. I promise, you won’t be disappointed.

And so, for the last time, here at least...thank you for everything. And toodles. For now. :D

I'm still here...

Sunday, 1 August 2010

Hi guys!

I know I haven't blogged in a while. I've been lacking inspiration and, to be honest, not a lot has been happening that is worthy of the blogosphere. I am, however, in the process of creating a new blog to replace this one (don't worry, just a different name but still me!) with a twitter account linked to it (feel free to follow if you have twitter ( I will be telling you which uni I go to in this new blog which, hopefully, should be up and running in the next few weeks.

Apart from that, not much. It was my birthday recently, that was nice. I do feel older, although it won't last long - I was the last of my friends to turn nineteen and the twentieth birthday parties are going to be starting very soon.

All for now. Don't worry, I'll be back soon with the final post of this blog and the link to the new one. See you soon.
