Hello and Welcome...honestly, I'm trying my hardest not to sound corny or old

Monday, 24 August 2009

Hi! I’m the despondent medic!

Pleasantries aside let’s just get one thing straight, before we move on. It may say despondent in the title, but I’m not despondent all the time (hence the sometimes.) Despondency is just an emotion I’m occasionally prone to, recently more than usual. But I’m not depressed – we can just put it down to adolescent angst. I just don’t want anyone to think I’m suicidal or anything, and then for them to go off and alert someone. (That actually happened once, after I wrote a poem in French. You can see why I had to get things clear!)

I’ve wanted to write a blog for a really long time. Not sure why. Maybe I just need an outlet to rant anonymously. And even if no one reads this, which they probably won’t, I think I’m going to write this blog anyway. Maybe it’ll turn out like Julie’s from “Julia and Julie” (or “Julie and Julia” – haven’t seen the film, just the trailer) and someone will give me a book deal, or a column in the Times. Yes, I will dream.

So even though I really want to remain anonymous, I feel you should know a little bit about me. I’m soon to be a first year medical student at a very established redbrick university (and you thought you were going to find out which one!). I like medicine (or at least I hope I do or these past two years were all for nothing) but I’m reading it more for the people than the science. Not that the science isn’t interesting, cause it is, but I like a certain other subject more. And although you will, probably, work out which one from later posts (dreaming again) I’m not going to say right now because certain people can add two and two and bypass the breadcrumbs completely as they march to my door.

So that’s it, for now, because apart from complications in organising student finance (and consequently student accounts) nothing interesting is happening. My brother continues to play video games and awaits the new school year…well, he doesn’t await at all. My mum works, and I try to think up ways of getting as many people as possible reading this blog! For dreams will become reality!

And now I’m starting to sound like a self help man at one of those “You are special!” American conferences.

Another blog soon.


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