And the countdown has begun...

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

I meant to update this yesterday so I could say "I go away to uni in a fortnight!" but I forgot. So, instead - "I GO TO UNI IN 13 DAYS!!!"

I've almost got everything I need now. There's just a few little bits and bobs, like a pizza slicer (for those all important takeaway nights!) and scales (for when I actually need to cook for myself). Plus I got one of those David Beckham Sharpie pens so I can label everything up with my name. In some ways it's like going to primary school again - you know, where your mum would sew those little name tags into every item of clothing including your socks! Now if Student Finance would get their act together then everything would be alright. But, as per usual, you can't get through to them (one of my friends was on for six hours with no luck), and whatever they tell you doesn't seem to be true.

I know this is anonymous but I'm going to tell you a few things about myself so the blogs actually have some substance to them. I don't drink and so Fresher's Week doesn't seem the time-of-my-life thing that it is to everyone else. And so my main worry at the moment is how to avoid the drinking fest events but still be able to make friends at the same time. Any suggestions?

Apart from that I'm so excited. I've registered and read every morsel of info the uni has sent to me. Although I did get a couple of books of my reading list from my local library and they're kinda boring. And huge! I just hope the lectures make everything a whole lot more interesting!


Anonymous said...

Whey, this is a beast of an idea.

Drinking is not essential to freshers week. Loads of people don't drink due to a variety of reasons, some for their health, some for religion. Where theres a pub outing, there'll be a non drinking event too. Also, drinking is less essentail, because people actually do stuff, when you're out on a PJ pub crawl, or dancing at a nightclub, you forget you're not drunk.

It will still be amazing, people really won't care that youre not drinking.

I'll point you to a couple of medicine blogs that will hopefully keep you interested. Good luck!

(Sometimes) Despondent Medic said...

Hi JonnyHo!

Thanks for the comment. You're right, of course, I guess I'm just overreacting, as per usual!

Are you a medical student too?

Anonymous said...

No worries, yeah, I am. I'm sitting the first year again.

I had the same worries at the beginning, and I can assure, as long as you don't let it, being a non drinker does not make a difference. Through the year, the other non-drinkers began appearing too.

I don't keep my blog very anonymous, so if you want to continue ononynimity with uni location, feel free to remove these comments.

(Sometimes) Despondent Medic said...

I won't remove your comments, partly because they're the first one's I've properly got (yeah!!!!) and because I can't work out which med school you go to :P
Great blog, by the way. I've lucid dreamed once, but haven't been able to do it since then. any advice?

Anonymous said...

Hurrah! My first comment was a troll, haha.

Keep a regular dream journal.

Then reality checks, even do a couple in real life, you'll do them more in your dreams then. Try to see with your eyes closed, breathe with your mouth and nose held closed, try to put your finger through your palm.

Then when you're lucid, rub your hands together, or spin in a circle. That way you won't wake up, and stay lucid.

I'm about to have a read of the rest of the posts, but this looks good.

If you fancy a bit of readership and have a bit of time, register at and take part in the discussions. I think they will love this.

Just avoid wasting time with spammers, they should be easy to spot (look at my blog and ill look at yours type shouts give them away).

Anonymous said...

hey nosey medic saw your site on fb group
dont worry about socialising at uni, all unis have people that dont drink so there will be plenty of events on for people that dont drink, as well as having a good time at the ones where people might drink

main reason why im commenting... which is a strange reason... is about the pizza slicer
1stly if you get takeaway pizza isnt it already cut up? and secondly why dont more people use scissors to cut up pizzas, i swear its better and you dont have to spend more on a pizza thingy
oh wel pointless comment over lol

(Sometimes) Despondent Medic said...

Thanks so much!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

(Sometimes) Despondent Medic said...

Hi Anonymous! Continue being nosy - I started this blog so people would read it so thanks for having a look!

About the pizza slicer - I haven't got takeaway pizza in so long that I actually forgot that they come ready sliced :P. But then you also get those frozen pizzas from Asda, and you need a slicer for them lol. I could use scissors, but I haven't got them either, so either way I have to buy something pizza-cutting related!!

Hummus said...

Hi :D
I saw the link on the Facebook group too- was attracted because I had the same idea of a blog throughout the first year, lol. Feel free to come over to mine and read too. (I'm starting at Leicester, not sure if you are or if you just posted on their FB group...?) Anyway liking this so far :D, it's a good read and I'll follow it. I'm a non-drinker too (religious reasons) so was pretty worried about Fresher's week, but I *think* it should be okay because, as previous commenters have said, a lot of people don't drink for different reasons.
Anyway, be interesting to see how it all pans out!
*waves* :)

(Sometimes) Despondent Medic said...

Hi Humaira!

Thanks for the message. I'll read your blog too (maybe get some ideas lol!! Only kidding). I'm not starting at Leicester, I just joined loads of FB groups to try and get some readers! I'm a non drinker for the same reasons as you; I'm just going to see how it goes (come back and read again in a few weeks to see how that went).

Good Luck at Leicester :D

Anonymous said...

Drinker or not, you'll settle in fine. Most of your friends will be from your halls and your small groups, and you will form your friendship in the cold light of day. I would still go out to some of the freshers events though, to spend time with your new friends and to meet some older years.


(Sometimes) Despondent Medic said...

Hi R! Thanks for the advice! I'm definately going to one or two events so i should be fine! good luck to u too at...are you a medic? either way, have fun at uni!

Anonymous said...

I am a final year medical student at a very established redbrick university! I saw a post of yours introducing your blog in a freshers facebook group.

It's interesting - if you only posted in the one group, you now know where I am. From my point of view, you might be off to any of six redbrick universities, although I think it's most likely you only posted in the one group, so we both know which uni we're talking about. If so, the event on Thu is the best one for meeting older years, although many of us will be drinking heavily.

If we are at the same uni, I would be really interested to see how quickly you can figure out who I am.


The Oxford Girl said...

Hello, despondent medic!

Great minds obviously think alike! I'm also about to start at Oxford (reading Law) and I started a blog a couple of weeks ago too -

Even more of a coincidence, I am also a non-drinker!

Unlike you, I didn't think to advertise my blog, so I have no readers or comments (boo!). I'll be watching your blog with interest!

The Oxford Girl

(Sometimes) Despondent Medic said...

Oh R, you thought wrong! I joined loads of FB groups, purely to get readers! Egotistical, I know, but reader's help to make a blog. So, I could go to any redbrick and I don't know which one you go to either. But if your bothered you could probably work out my redbrick from subsequent posts. If you do pray tell me, although there's no prize!

Hi Oxford Girl. Great minds indeed! I'll be reading your blog too! And as you've probably realised I don't go to Oxford. I'm an Oxbridge reject. There loss, considering my A level results! I'm still bitter so if you sense any hostility don't worry, it's not your fault!

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