Merry Christmas and stuff...

Friday, 25 December 2009

Merry Christmas to all those who celebrate it!!! Sorry, I don't, but if you do I hope you have an awesome day and Santa brought you all the presents that you wanted :D

As for me, I'm going to spend the day revising genetics and then watch Doctor Who!! Totally psyched for it but also sad as the loss of David Tennant may be too hard to bear!

Update on the snow: It's still here!!!!!! The white Christmas everyone dreamt off has finally happened. Now we can all accept the consequences of global warming a little easier - it's like giving up smoking (or so I'm told - I don't smoke), you need that last cigarrette.

Well, that was a wee bit odd...

And that's it. I seem to have lost my writing drive of late. Kind of odd considering I really, really want to do some creative writing but every time I pick up the pen rubbish comes out :( Maybe after the ever looming exams...


E said...

Ah, revision. Can never have too much of it...!
Dr Who!? Nooooo! >_<
Ahem. But yes, the snow is still here =P

(Sometimes) Despondent Medic said...

So, you don't like Doctor Who or snow? lol :D

Hummus said...

Ignore Emad, he has no real idea of what's good in the world (David Tennant, Hamlet, Snow) and what's not (Obsessive gaming). :)
Doctor Who!! How AWESOME is the master?! Aherm. I loved the episode (despite some pretty awfully acted smaller roles) :D It was horribly sad in places though :( I think Wilf was made for the Doctor.
Hamlet today!! I wish you were at Leicester :( I could spazz about these things with someone, lol.
Sad to hear you tackled genetics- I'm trying to muster the courage to look at it but keep settling for easier tissues-of-the-body type stuff instead, lol. Sure your ability to write will return following the brain-blender that is the month of January :) Bloody revision... ¬_¬
Still, back to it.

(Sometimes) Despondent Medic said...

Doctor Who was great but don't you think the Master was just a tiny wee bit unrealistic (ignoring the fact that timelords and time travel is unrealistic too!) I mean, he was like Superman or the Emperor dude from Star Wars. But apart from that, you're right, totally awesome :D
And Hamlet was amazing too (I'll say more when I blog about it later!!)
Awww, I wish you were where I go lol!!! Still, at least we met over the beauty of the net! My mum couldn't believe how much you're like me when I told her!
Genetics is alright, compared to some of the other stuff (EPPs and the like) But it's all got to be learnt...Thank goodness for half decent Xmas TV and Sherlock Holmes!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't know how I found your blog but I'm so glad I did. As a fellow student on your course (and at the same uni) your blogs have made me realise that someone else is feeling the same things as me. Im trying to figure out if I know you or not but our year is pretty large.
Thank you, you really have no idea how much you have helped me

(Sometimes) Despondent Medic said...

Aww, thanks Anonymous. Not sure how you know which uni I'm at though - I don't think I've mentioned it. In fact, I try pretty hard not to mention it. Either way, happy to help. Good Luck for the exams :D

Anonymous said...

The fact that you have exams on the first monday back and you did at the end of our SSA week pretty much tells me you do go to the same uni as me.

(Sometimes) Despondent Medic said...

lol. Oh dear Anonymous, so much for anominity :D You do realise that now I'm going to be uber paranoid about who you are and super careful about what I write in case you realise who I am. This may be fun :D
Anyway, good luck for monday!!!

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