I've just spent the last three hours trying to get (1) a template that I like and (2) the chosen template to work. I'm not even sure I really, really like the template, but some of the other ones had toolbars with links on them and my HTLM isn't that good!
I've been thinking about uni and I've realised I'm kinda nervous. And scared. And petrified, which I know is just another word for scared but somehow the two are separate in my brain! Petrified I won't make any friends, petrified I'll be a loser, petrified I know so many people there that my reputation/image won't change. It needs to change, especially if I want to be happy. I really want to be happy.
But I'm excited aswell. It'll be great to live "the student life", to be fully independant for the first time in my life. To do what I want, when I want. To be around live minded people who won't scoff when I say that I like reading Shakespeare or don't really want to go out drinking (not much of a drinker).
I suppose we'll just have to see how it goes. Let me know if any of you out there feel the same way!
11 years ago
Aww, I was just reading your past posts and they're great, you didn't have to be worried nobody would read the blog, lol.
You like Shakespeare! I have promoted you to legend status :D Please tell me you love Hamlet or Iago, and we can spazz together! lol
And that's a huge worry for me too: if you know people, you can't reinvent yourself and make the changes you've wanted to make through high school but never had the courage to. I'm just going to force myself outta my comfort zone. It's the only way *sigh* lol. Well scared.
Keep up the blog, it's great stuff :)
I love Shakespeare!!!! Especially Hamlet. We did it for A2 eng lit and it was our school production this year. i really wanted to see the david tennant version but school couldn't get tickets and the family thinks going to the theatre is kinda a waste of money. I haven't read Othello, but it's on the list!
Once again, it's good to know someone is in the same position as me! :D
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