Apologises for before...

Thursday, 5 November 2009

Sorry about the last post guys. But, like I said, I was feeling really guilty so I thought I could rattle a post off in 5 mins and then move on. Anyway, that was the plan. Now, however, I'm sitting in my flat at half 10 on a Thursday morning (I mean, how often does that happen?) wishing that I could just procrastinate the day away as opposed to revising for the HUGE test (HUGE, I tell you, HUGE - a significant portion of our module mark; surely it's not fair/legal for them to be giving us such monumental exams five/six weeks into term...) that I should be revising for. But the motivation has escaped me, partly because I'm being distracted by facebook and the sound of sirens - students, honestly! - and partly due to the awful dinner I had yesterday. I'm on catered and, as a sem-vegi, have been really impressed with what the options have been, until  yesterday. It was either this disgusting mediterranean stew that I couldn't eat last time I had it, or feta cheese tart. Sounds nice, hmmm? No. Dry, horrible and I really wasn't in the mood for boiled potatoes and cauliflower. Maybe it's my asian spice head rearing, begging for roti and curry. So I had salad instead. Then came upstairs and literally stuffed myself with junk. Sigh. Unfortunately the depression I was feeling yesterday has seeped over into today - never mind, FIREWORKS tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love fireworks. They make me feel happy. Is that sad? Either way, can't wait for tonight, just hope it doesn't rain! Although I have watched fireworks in the rain before, I think. Or maybe that was just a dream.

Anyway, toodles. I will work. I will work. Won't I?


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