General Lack of...well, everything!

Tuesday, 17 November 2009


I feel bad because I haven't been updated as often as I used to. I know I've started the last 2/3 blogs with this but you better get used to it as I'm generally full of self pity at the moment.

The novelty of medical school has finally worn off. At first getting up at 7am wasn't such a bad thing. On one hand it's later than I used to get up (6.20 when I went to high school - 6.20!!!!), and on another - it was medical school man!! University! Living by yourself!!!!! Who cared that you had only got 7 hours sleep and can only last on 8! It didn't matter because you, I, was living the life!

Now it's more of an "Nooooooo! I don't want to wake up. What's the point!? *Insert appropriate curse words here* NOOOO!"

The fact that I'm not feeling great isn't helping. The doctor is completely miffed. Apparantly (how do you get spell checks on Macs??) it's a mystery why I'm so ill (been feeling sick after eating, developed into feeling sick in the morning, low iron, pain, funny feeling inside when I press under my lower rib on the LHS - feels like something is scraping against something else). Anyone got any ideas?? No, me neither. The fact that it's been like this for 5 weeks now is also kind of worrying. This is what you get when you bloat about not getting Fresher's Flu.

So we had our first ICA (In Course Assessment - I swear us medics could have entire conversations composed entirely of acronyms!) last week and got the results on Monday. Happy to say that I passed!!! (Pass mark was 50%). It wasn't as good as it could have been but I console myself in viewing it as a mock and reminding myself that we have moved from the relative comfort of A-Level into the horrid domains of University - it's going to be harder! We were told that one of the hardest things to deal with when you move to medical school is the realisation that  you're not number one anymore. It doesn't mean that  you're not smart, but you're surrounded by 400 people who all got AAB or better at A-level! And it is hard to deal with. But I will make it onto the Honor's List, just you wait.

Just had the funniest feeling that I left my USB Stick in one of the computers this morning...umm...stupid bad memory.

See you later! And don't forget - there's a fellow first year here who is in exactly the same position as you! (A comment like that would work so much better if more people read this - time to advertise again I think.. I wonder if there's a FB group for Harvard Medical School...)


Anonymous said...

Can't think of anything that a half decent GP wouldn't have ruled out. I hope you feel better soon.

By the way, not all sets of initials are acronyms. ICA is just initials, like NHS & BBC. NATO and NASA are acronyms because you pronounce them as one word rather than calling out the letters.

If your med school is anything like mine, someone will have handed in your memory stick - I've done that countless times. In fact, I got a memory stick that goes on my keyring thinking I couldn't then leave it behind. Instead I left a bunch of keys stuck into the computer, and I still got them back!


(Sometimes) Despondent Medic said...

Hi R, long time no speak!

Thanks. I'm kinda feeling better, to be honest it comes and goes. And, yes you're right, they're just initials. It's an easy mistake to make and one I keep making lol!

And yey, I got the USB Stick back! Thank goodness - it was like part of my head had gone missing! I'm going to start putting its cord on the table so I remember to unplug it.

Hope uni's going alright for you! xxx

E said...

It would certainly have been amusing if you said "USB memory stick" followed by "stupid bad memory". Yes. Irony is amusing.

Emad =]

(Sometimes) Despondent Medic said...

Hey Emad!! Sounds like the sort of think I would normally say - must have been having an off day !

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