I hate how exams are only a week away and I’m still getting distracted. It’s like a part of me just doesn’t care. Actually, there is a part of me that doesn’t care. I can’t wait for it all to be over. Three weeks. In three weeks I’ll be free to read and write. I have all these ideas spiralling around my apparently empty brain so when I close my eyes I can see these movies and trailers because, somehow, whenever I think of a new idea nowadays I see them as movies or trailers before words. I actually know the funny scene that will conclude one of my trailers (far, far, far in the future of an alternate universe). It involves throwing up. It also sounds/looks a lot better in my head.
I’ve actually decided to write a script, or two, of my favourite TV shows. I know nothing will ever comes of them (unless they decide to hold a competition – please, please, please) but it’ll be fun. The dialogue always comes easier anyway.
Ah summer, so close yet so far.
My flat mate is watching Phantom of the Opera with her boyfriend in the room next to mine and I can hear every word of every song. The others are in the kitchen, so even though I’m starving I’m reluctant to go make instant mash in front of them.
Now I just need a quick Doctor Who rant. Apologies in advance.

Wow, that paragraph took an odd turn.
I really should go eat something. And maybe revise some more. Nah, I’ll go chill, have a shower, get an early night so I can get up bright and fresh for revision tomorrow. Wow, I’m easily persuaded.
Wow. Seem to be saying that a lot today.
Don't worry! Just work your brains out for a few weeks and then rest. Forever!
And these two television shows are...??
Thanks Emad :D The end is nigh now - 17 days left apparantly
The TV shows are...and don't laugh...doctor who and something of the disney channel. I know, I'm sad. It's a good job you don't know me in real life...
Oh dear. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.
Deary me.
Oh dear.
And I have a pretty good idea as to who you are...
Hi Lydia!
Thanks! It's always nice when someone new reads/comments :D How did you hear about/find out about my blog? Hope you have a great day too.
Be quiet Emad :D I knew you'd say something like that. And you can have absolutley no idea what so ever who I am. I guarantee you. Tell you what - I'll let you know if you're right or not if you can guess who I am, only if you tell me how you found out. Not that you'll guess right. No offence :D
That's pretty cool about writing a script! It'll be fun, you should definitely try it.
OH, another freakish similarity: I have trouble leaving my room to go into the flat kitchen. Just makes me feel horribly self conscious. Of course, your reluctance to make instant mash in public is another valid reason.
Doctor Who- that was a brilliant episode, but at the end I was sort of like: :O! It just didn't seem right, considering their audience can be as young as 6. Bloody hell. Steven Moffat needs to calm down.
Well, good luck with your exams!
About Doctor Who - I know, right?! I mean, don't get me wrong, Moffat is brilliant but you can't be doing that at 7pm. And the confidential stuff too!
I can't wait to get writing. The end is nigh! I'll let you know how it goes :)
Good Luck to you too :D
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